Good Shepherd Episcopal Church

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Matthew’s story of the birth of Jesus includes a visit from astrologers, referred to as magi or wise men. Although they would have reached the Holy Family sometime after the actual birth, and probably called in on them in a home, rather than the stable portrayed in Luke, we include them in our manger scenes of Christmas.

The biblical story tells us that these magi brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The story itself does not tell us why these three gifts are brought, but the familiar hymn “We Three Kings…” indicate the hymn writer’s understanding of how these three items would fit into the unfolding life of Jesus.

Actually the gold, frankincense, and myrrh are three types of incense or gums that produce fragrant odors when burned. The “gold” incense was intended for use in a golden censer at the gold altar in the temple in Jerusalem. These gifts were, undoubtedly, treasured and highly valuable items at the time they were delivered.

But, I ask you, how useful were they to Mary, a new mother, away from home, trying to take care of a new baby?

The church’s Feast of the Epiphany, January 6th, celebrates the visit of the magi, the wise men, to the Holy Family. This January 6th, however, we will have the opportunity to recast this story as this event: BABY SHOWER by the WISE WOMEN of GOOD SHEPHERD.

The women of Good Shepherd, and girlfriends they might wish to include, are invited to the parish hall at Good Shepherd, at 2:00 pm, Saturday, January 6th, to honor and celebrate the moms and babies who could use our help. You are invited to bring an oh-so-practical gift, like diapers (even larger sizes like pull-ups), small packages of baby wipes, baby lotion, etc. to be donated to Matt’s Ministry and the homeless shelter in Murphy. You are also invited to bring a personal care product for Mom. This could be shower wash, shampoo, body lotion, etc.

We also want to celebrate Epiphany as the Season of Light, and the spreading of the Light of Christ beyond ourselves. To that end, you are invited to bring a small candle – any kind/container – that will easily fit into a small paper lunch bag (provided at the event). If you wish, you can include an Epiphany wish or greeting for the Good Shepherd sister who will be the recipient of your candle bag. As part of our festivities we will have a candle bag swap.

As the women of Good Shepherd, we can celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany with our own wisdom and understanding of motherhood. We are Wise Women. And we have our own way of letting women in need know that we care. And we have the wisdom to know that our own sisterhood in enhanced, celebrated, and enjoyed by our gathering together. So, come to the BABY SHOWER by the WISE WOMEN, and let your light shine.

See you there.