Good Shepherd Episcopal Church

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Independence Day - A Day of Thanksgiving

We hear much today about how divided our country is: left - right, blue - red, liberal – conservative. While these divisions are undeniable, strong, and ideologically combative, I find myself being thankful that I have those choices. As I watch and read the news, I am aware of so many places where choice of personal political opinion is not an option. As I grieve for victims of oppressive and violent governments exercising totalitarian control, I am, at the same time, rejoicing that I live in the United States of America. And not only do I live here, I belong here. My voter registration card reminds me that I belong to the USA, and the USA belongs to me.

There is no doubt that the political and social differences that we have and express make it difficult for us to find the solutions so desperately needed for all of our citizens to thrive. But the gift of democracy is that it is possible. I believe that celebrating our Independence Day reminds us of possibility and hope.

I am currently reading a book titled, The Bill of Obligations: the Ten Habits of Good Citizens, by Richard Haas. The premise of the book is much the same as the famous quotation from John F. Kennedy’s first inaugural address, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” What are attitudes and guiding principles that every citizen should have? Haas invites his readers to consider the possibility of exercising obligations, rather than demanding rights. The book is providing me new food for thought.

The formulators of the Lectionary of our Book of Common Prayer, in their wisdom, consigned a set of lessons and prayers to be used for worship on Independence Day. We will be using those lessons and prayers in our worship on Sunday, July 2nd, at both services.

Independence Day is an opportunity to give thanks PLUS an opportunity to have fun. Join in some Good Shepherd fun at a Get Ready for the Fourth Picnic, provided by our own Parish Life Committee, after the 11:00 service on July 2nd. Holy Smokers will be grilling hotdogs, hamburgers, and mushroom caps (for our vegetarian family members) and providing ice cream for dessert. They ask that we supply our favorite 4th of July side dishes.

I hope you can join us for worship and fellowship on this special day.
