Good Shepherd Episcopal Church

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Good Shepherd Women Brave the Rapids

Sixteen stalwart women from Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Hayesville braved the rapids of the Middle Ocoee River on August 4. Even though some had never rafted before, no one “swam,” a term used by guides for those who fall out of the raft.

According to parishioner Kathy Rarey, who organized the trip, “This courageous group of senior citizens took a leap of faith to raft five miles down the Middle Ocoee with several Class 4 rapids, which is challenging for even the most experienced rafters.” She went on to say, “Everyone was thrilled and wants to make this an annual event.”

The idea for the trip originated because of a casual remark made by a group of men parishioners who had gotten together to attend a baseball game in Asheville. One of them was heard to say, “When the women gather they'll probably go somewhere to eat and talk about their feelings.” When this remark got back to the women, they decided to show the men their real mettle.

The energetic parishioners of Good Shepherd such as this group of rafters have realized that if they have good times together, then they will work well together on missions and outreach. The church has more than 50 ministries that keep dedicated parishioners working year round. For