Good Shepherd Episcopal Church

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Lenten Season Begins with Pancakes, Services, and "Ashes to Go"

From the early days of Christianity, followers of the Faith observed the remembrance of Christ’s passion and resurrection with a period of prayer, fasting and reconciliation. Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Hayesville invites all to take part in such activities to begin the Lenten season starting February 13th. Good Shepherd Episcopal Church is located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive in Hayesville.

The church continues its Lenten tradition of a special Pancake Supper taking place on Tuesday, February 13th from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the church’s Parish Hall. Imposition of Ashes will be observed at 7:00 p.m.

The “Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper” is an opportunity to honor a tradition which began in the Middle Ages. Pancakes were eaten to clear the larder of milk, fat and meat before Ash Wednesday when Lent begins, 40 days before Easter Sunday.

Good Shepherd’s Pancake Supper welcomes all to enjoy “the best pancakes in Western North Carolina.” The secret is in the special flour! In addition to pancakes there will be local Bitter Creek Extra Lean Handmade Sausage, warm maple syrup, applesauce and juice, coffee, and tea. Gluten free pancakes are also available.

The cost is only $6.00 per person ages 12 and over, with a special ticket price of $3.00 for ages 11 and under. Tickets will be on sale in the Parish Hall beginning Sunday, February 11th and at the door February 13th.

The Pancake Supper is being produced by the young men who make up the Order of Saint George with help from the parish, family, and friends. All proceeds will go to Good Shepherd’s children and youth ministries.

Ash Wednesday Services will be held February 14th consisting of Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes at 12:00 noon.

For those whose jobs and other commitments do not allow them to attend the Tuesday evening events or the Wednesday noon service, “Ashes to Go” occurs at 7:00 a.m.Wednesday morning. The concept of “Ashes to Go” brings this act of penitence out from the church building and into the mainstream of the community.

“We’re offering ashes on the street because that reminder of need, humility, and healing shouldn’t be confined to a church building,” says Breedlove.  “We probably need it more when we are in the middle of our daily business! The ashes we receive here will remind us throughout the day of our need for God and of God’s call to us.”

From the Middle Ages it became the custom for worshippers to begin Lent by being marked in ash with the sign of the cross. “Being reminded that we are dust turns our attention to the creative power of God and God’s ability to heal the brokenness in our lives. Turning to God is the work of Lent, preparing us for the celebration of Easter,” says Breedlove.

Good Shepherd welcomes everyone in the community to the Pancake Supper and Ash Wednesday’s Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes. For those whose lives don’t allow stopping for worship inside the church, “Ashes to Go” brings this special Lenten tradition to their car windows.

For more information, call Good Shepherd Episcopal Church at 828-389-3397 or visit the web site at