Workshop on Marriage Success

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Hayesville has begun a four-month long series of workshops on health, wellness, and relationships, open to everyone in the surrounding communities. The second workshop, entitled “Will Your Marriage Survive?” is scheduled tor Saturday, April 18, from 9:45—noon at Good Shepherd. This is a change in date from the original time. Good Shepherd is located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive, one mile east of Walgreen's Drugs.

Benita Esposito , a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in couples/marriage counseling and pre-martial counseling and dating. will base the April 18 workshop on the research of Dr. John Gottman, who has compared the communication habits of happily married couples with couples who divorced within 15 years. He has isolated four specific behaviors that characterize unhappy couples: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. Ms. Esposito will explain how these behaviors can make a disaster of marriage and what is required to create a happy relationship.

Father Bill Breedlove, Rector of the church, says, “The people of Good Shepherd parish understand working on their physical and relational wellness as part of living that abundant life promised by Jesus. All are invited to participate in the wellness and healing ministries of Good Shepherd and experience the peace of God which comes from healing and wholeness.”

The remaining seminars are as follows:

  • April 25, 10am—Noon: Suzy Christensen
    Healthy Choices for Nutrition and Lifestyle

  • May 9, Noon—2pm: Dr. Bud Edmonson, MD
    Women's Luncheon and Conversation on Women's Heart Health. (Please call the church office at 389-3397 to register for this event.)

  • May 23, 10am—Noon: Cheri Pinner, RN CNOR
    Medication Reconciliation (By appointment only: Please call the church office to schedule an appointment.)

  • June 6, 10am—Noon: Keith Christensen, MSW, LCSW, LCAS
    Mindfulness Practices

  • June 20, 10am—11am: Pat Jordan
    Loga-lates: Introductory Exercise Experience

  • July 11, 10am—Noon: Sharon O'Dell, RN
    How Good Fats Can Improve Health

  • July 25, 10am—Noon: George Heilner, MA Clinical Psychologist
    Myers-Briggs Personality Type and Wellness (Call the church office by July 1 to register for this event. Participants will need to return their completed Myers-Briggs questionnaires, available at the church office, by July 15.)