Pet Celebration

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Hayesville offers two upcoming events that will bless God’s creatures, both human and “almost human.” 

Visitors to Hayesville, NC on Saturday, September 23rd will experience the Sixth Annual Pet Celebration on the Square from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Good Shepherd will once again have a booth at this festival under the organization of parishioner Carole Webber, extending a welcome of doggie treats and water for thirsty pups.

In addition, the Good Shepherd booth will feature two special people, Fr. George Choyce, Assistant Clergy at the church, and Dwain E. Zagrocki, also known as Dr. “Z.” Dr. “Z” is a parishioner of Good Shepherd. He will bring veterinary instruments which will allow pet owners to look in their dog’s ears and listen to their heartbeat.  Dr. “Z” is also bringing a portable ultrasound unit to show the “insides” of a dog. Fr. George will be ministering a “Blessing of the Animals.” 

Then on Saturday, September 7th at 10:00 a.m., Good Shepherd invites everyone and their pets to the church itself, located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive in Hayesville. Fr. Bill Breedlove will minister to his entire flock, human and pet companions alike, with the annual Good Shepherd “Blessing of the Animals.” This event is open to everyone in the community. 
For more information about Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Hayesville, visit the web site at