Biker Blessing

Parishioner Susanne Treacy on "Black Beauty"

Parishioner Susanne Treacy on "Black Beauty"

Spring is here, and this means that lots of motorcyclists will be sharing our wonderful curving roads again. Now bikers can ask for a special blessing for themselves, their passengers, fellow riders, and their bikes at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Hayesville on April 3.


The rector of Good Shepherd, Father Bill Breedlove, invites all bikers to bring their cycles to church on that Sunday. After the 10:45 service, Fr. Bill will bless them in the church parking lot. Susanne Treacy, who planned the event, says, “Everyone in the local communities is invited to come, no matter what your religious affiliation or what kind of bike you drive.” All are welcome to participate in the service at 10:45. The blessing will be given right after the service, about noon, followed by coffee hour and fellowship with the parishioners.

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, whose rector and members are intent on boldly engaging the world as God's shepherds, is located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive, about a mile east of Walgreens. The church website describes the many programs and ministries of the church: