Sacred Threads Quilts Tell Stories

When the Sacred Threads art quilts exhibition opens at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Hayesville, NC, on May 10, viewers will first be struck by the beauty of the quilts, then by the intricacy of their construction, and then by the stories that inspired them. The traveling exhibition of 40 quilts is open to the public from May 10-22. Everyone is welcome for a rare and unique experience.

Swan Song by Sally Wright

Swan Song by Sally Wright

These art pieces, rendering stories in fabric, have been created by quilt artists throughout the USA and Canada. They provide viewers with a source of encouragement, healing, strength, and connection. In the quilt titled “Swan Song,” artist Sally Wright of Los Angeles was inspired by the legend that swans mate for life. She worked on the quilt during the year that she and her husband celebrated 30 years of joyful marriage. The swans in the quilt also seem to be experiencing the joy that results from a loving, committed relationship.

In another quilt, “Woman at the Well,” Cherrie Hampton of Oklahoma City expressed her concern about the worldwide challenge of providing clean water. Hampton depicts a young woman's intense pleasure while drinking from a newly dug well.

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church is the rare venue in a small town to have the privilege of hosting Sacred Threads. Co-chairs Jane Oliver and Barb Redmond suggest that visitors try to attend the show with a friend or family member to share the wonder. Groups are also invited.

Good Shepherd is located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive in Hayesville. For more information, please contact Jane Oliver at (Please note this corrected address.) To learn more about Sacred Threads before attending the show, see the website: