Harry Potter and Spirituality

For parents who would like to turn their children's love of the Harry Potter stories to a more spiritual level, a class being offered at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church during Lent may be just the answer. For older readers of the beloved series, the class will open up different levels of meaning than they might have considered. Father George Choyce, assisting clergy, welcomes people of all ages and all faiths to his class, “The Spirituality of Harry Potter—Choosing to Keep on Believing,” beginning March 8.

Father George says that author J. K. Rowling “has stated in numerous interviews that she continues to make an intentional decision to believe in Jesus on a daily basis.” She makes this decision clear through the much loved character of Harry Potter. What Father George will do during his series of five classes is to look for the spiritual symbolism of death and resurrection, concentrating on the last book of Rowling's series, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” To participants in the class, he will pose the question, “What is it that you believe about death and resurrection?”

Each of the five classes is preceded by a free supper in the parish hall, beginning at 5:30 pm. The communal supper will provide an opportunity for visitors to get to know Good Shepherd's parishioners. Nursery care will be provided so that parents of young children can participate. The schedule of classes follows:

• March 8: The Classic Struggle of Good Versus Evil
• March 15: Harry, Horcruxes, and Deathly Hallows
• March 22: Harry and Dumbledore
• March 29: Harry, Hermione, and Ron
• April 5: What do you believe?

Good Shepherd is located at 495 Herbert Hills Drive, just off Hwy. 64E about a mile from Walgreens. The phone number at the church is 828-389-3397, and the website is www.goodshepherdhayesville.org.