
“The Diocese of Western North Carolina encourages priests to take sabbaticals for the renewal and refreshment of the priest and the benefit of the parish.” - Sabbatical Policy, Diocese Western North Carolina web page retrieved 4/17/2023

Greetings Friends,

Every five years, clergy and their parishes are encouraged to take a break from their ongoing work. The break is intended for both of them to rest and in that rest to find refreshment and renewal for their work beyond. It has been almost five years since our last break and much has happened since then. I am so appreciative of how your lay leadership and your determined participation carried us through a pandemic. Unlike many other faith communities, we weathered the storm and are now seeing a growth in membership. Thank you and thanks be to God. The state of the parish is strong. Now there is the need for a chance to catch our breath and to prepare ourselves for the postpandemic future. I will be going on sabbatical in early June and the timing seems just right for both me and the parish.

My sabbatical will begin Monday, June 5 and I will be back in the office on Monday, August 14. During my time away, I will take three online courses that focus on managing relationships and congregational change. I am hopeful that I will learn some new skills and refresh some old ones that will be useful on my return. I am also taking time for travel, visiting friends, play and rest. In July, I will be in Vienna, Austria and plan to take day trips to some of the surrounding cities.

I am grateful that the Rev. Beverly Braine has agreed to be your sabbatical replacement clergy. If you have been with us on Sundays when she has led worship, you know she is a fine worship leader and preacher. Rev. Braine will also continue our Wednesday noon services and provide pastoral care as needed. I did emphasize to her that sabbatical is a time for the parish also to rest and not to think that she is expected to lead many extra activities as your clergy. I know she has a couple or more special things she would like to do and she has my full support and trust. Please embrace her and show her all the love and support you are known for as she does her best to love and support you. The Rev. Dr. Delmer Chilton will also make occasional appearances. Along with your clergy, your wardens Dr. Mike Campbell and the Hon. Harry Baughn will help shepherd the parish. I leave you in many very experienced and wise hands.

My time away is meant to be a time when we unplug from each other and I do not hear from the church. God forbid, but should some significant crisis or loss occur, your leaders will let me know. As always, I will hold you in my prayers whether I am near or far away. Enjoy your sabbatical and get your rest. Adventure and play, and I will see you again midAugust.

Grace and peace, Fr. Bill+